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Automated Analysis Service

What is Automated Analysis Service?

What is Automated Analysis Service?

In recent years, as equipment has become smaller, more sophisticated, and less expensive, it has become possible to acquire large amount of data for analysis. On the other hand, there are many situations in which analysis work must be done manually through trial and error, and most software for analysis assumes manual input work, making complex analysis work very complicated and dependent on human labor.

This service uses RPA (Robotic Process Automation) technology to reduce the number of manual tasks in the analysis process and achieve efficient analysis by replacing human work in the analysis process with robots.

Installing Automated Analysis Service ...

  • Before Installation
    Before Installation

    When [Analysis A] is finished, start [Analysis B], then [Analysis C] with another software, and so on. Each of these tasks may be finished at any moment, which makes it difficult to leave the PC and concentrate on other tasks.

  • After Installation
    After Installation

    If I tell the robot to start the analysis, the robot will monitor the analysis software and proceed with the process in order, so I don't have to worry. In the meantime, I should read that paper and prepare for my presentation at the conference at the end of the month.

Advantages of Automated Analysis Service

  • 1. Efficient analysis work
    The robot, which is available 24 hours a day, detects the end of each step and immediately moves on to the next step, allowing full use of computational resources for analysis. In addition, since the work is performed according to the parameter settings and procedures as instructed, there is no rework due to mistakes.
  • 2. The same analysis can be performed as before
    Not to create new analysis software, but to have robots replace manual work,
    • Your current software can be used continuously.
    • Analysis procedures currently in place can be implemented without modification
    The exact same analysis can be performed as before. Even if you have already started an analysis, you can integrate the analysis results as the result of the same analysis work.
  • 3. Less expensive than building new software
    In general, building a single piece of software can be very expensive. The cost is even greater when it comes to personalized software that makes the analysis process more efficient. This service is less expensive than building software because only a robot is built to replace the analysis work.

Flow of Introduction of Automated Analysis Service

  • 1. Inquiry about analysis work
    We will visit your laboratory and ask the following questions about your actual analysis work.
    • Currently using software
    • Operations on the software
    • Method of judging the end of processing
    Inquiry about analysis work
  • 2. Estimation
    We will prepare specifications based on the details of the analysis work we have heard about, and estimate price and delivery time.
    Price will vary depending on the number of software programs used and the complexity of the operations to be performed.
  • 3. Constract
    If you agree with the quotation, you will place an order and the contract will be concluded.
    No fees will be incurred until you sign the contract.
  • 4. Development
    Development will be done as per the specifications.
    If necessary, we may ask you to visit your laboratory to execute the test.
  • 5. Delivery and Payment
    We will visit your laboratory to deliver the product by the contracted delivery date.
    The delivery is complete when you confirm that the delivered program performs the analysis work correctly.
    Payment is required by the end of the month following delivery.
    Delivery and Payment

Contact Us

If you have any inquiry
about our company, please contact us.
(Phone hours: 10:00 - 17:00, Japan Standard Time)


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