Services for Quantum Beam Research
What are our Quantum Beam Research Services?
We can develop specialized software for quantum beam research.
Our engineers with experience in quantum beam research and development can quickly understand your requirements and develop your software.
We can implement, analyze, accelerate, and parallelize algorithms, as well as support the introduction of AI technology into measurement control and analysis.
We provide source code that is highly readable, maintainable, and extensible so that researchers can easily modify it later.
- [Algorithm implementation and analysis]
- Holographic X-ray Phase Recovery Algorithm
- Radiation path reconstruction algorithm
- Neutron tomography image reconstruction
- [Speeding Up and Parallelizing Algorithms]
- CPU parallelization (OpenMP, MPI)
- GPGPU (CUDA, OpenGL, OpenCL)
- Introduction of sparse matrix algorithms
- [Others]
- Source code refactoring
- Control processing for experimental equipements and signal processing software
- Data processing automation
- [Languages]
- Fortran, C/C++, CUDA, Python, MATLAB, Julia, LabVIEW, IGOR, JavaScript, PHP, Java, C#, C/C++, Fortran, MATLAB, etc.
Examples of Business
- Implementation and acceleration of phase recovery algorithms for coherent x-ray analysis
- Development of computational software for tomographic image reconstruction using GPGPU
- Development of data processing software for gamma radiation detection systems
Contact Us
If you have any inquiry
about our company, please contact us.
(Phone hours: 10:00 - 17:00, Japan Standard Time)